Thursday, December 16, 2010

Exactly How Hungry Do you Have to Be...

While picking up one of my daughters one day when she was about five or six, I noticed she was quiet. A little too quiet. That awkward silence when you know you are about to have a serious conversation. I looked in my rear view mirror and her little eyes were welling up.

"Honey, you OK?"
She gave a long, drawn out sigh. I started to get worried. What was going on?!

"What is it kiddo?"
"Well," she paused, "I am hungry."
"OK, what do you want to eat?"
She paused for a while.

"I want to eat...the road."
"OK well, let---wha?" I caught myself mid-sentence. "Did you say the road?!"
"Ya, the road." Drama was gone from her voice now and she shifted to an intellectual connitation. "You know," she pointed out the window,"the road."
"The one we are driving on?" I was still trying to figure out where she was going with it.
She rolled her eyes at me.
"Uhhhh, ya!" She spoke with a valley girl flair.
"Didn't know that was one of the food groups." I smiled back at her.
"Well it IS."

I drove for a few minutes in confused silence, then offered a compromise.
"Want to stop for a hamburger on the way home instead?"
Long pause as she looked out the window to consider my offer.

It's amazing what a modern public education teaches children these days, eh? I guess the food pyramid had to be built on some foundation. Asphault, who knew!

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